All spiritual traditions mention an evolution of human consciousness leading towards ONE humanity. For everything comes from the ONE divine unity and everything will return to it.
Any descent into matter implies dualities and fragmentations, any ascent towards Spirit implies unification and association. The natural is separation, the spiritual is inclusion.
The path of consciousness is to connect the high and the low, the spiritual and the natural. To achieve unity through matter. But discernment is necessary in order to differentiate true unity from its temporal simulacrum which is uniformity.
The soul is inclusive and unitary, it tends towards unity. The material manifestation is distinctive and dual, it tends towards duality.
Unity in matter is the spiritual principle at work. Uniformity in matter is the principle of human governance at work.
Unity allows distinction, evolution and yet fusion. Uniformity destroys all possibility of difference and distinction, and therefore all potential for evolution.
Unity preserves and enhances freedom and fulfillment. Uniformity reinforces centralizing power and alienation.
Unity is the divine plan on earth. Uniformity is the plan of the empire, it is the Tower of Babel.
Unity is achieved through consciousness. Uniformity is achieved by law.
Unity occurs voluntarily and freely. Uniformity is done in a forced and tyrannical manner.
The unit completes one cycle. Uniformity begins a cycle, the outcome of which will be its destruction.
Unity is an accomplishment. Uniformity is a downfall.
Unity is truth. Uniformity is propaganda.
Unity is the bottom that connects the top. Uniformity is the bottom imitating the top.
Unity preserves freedom and differences. Uniformity suppresses freedoms and differences.
Unity is the union of individualities. Uniformity is collectivism, where individuality is flouted.
Unity is achieved through good. Uniformity is done in the name of good.
Unity is love and truth. Uniformity is power and opinions.
Unity is evolution. Uniformity is involution.