This article should be called: Dichotomies VS dualisms.

We must live the true dualities of matter which are sources of discernment, discrimination, choice and therefore free will, spiritual orientations and separation.

We must overcome the false dualities which are sources of divisions, conflicts, feelings of separation, isolation, loneliness and annoyances.

True dualities are divine creations for us to experience matter: hot and cold, masculine and feminine… If one disappears, the other loses its sense of existence.

False dualities are temporal creations to put us through the tests of conflict and division, to weaken us and conquer us. To overcome them is to move towards peace and love. The greatest illusions are false dualities, the world is full of them.

Ultimate dualism is being able to differentiate between the world and the kingdom, between the created and the creator, between substance and essence, between the temporal and the eternal, between evil and good, between the exterior and interior.

“Two make one”: overcoming all dualities is our celestial destiny. But we must first know how to separate the true dualities of the divine creator and the false dualities of temporal power. Recognizing the illusion of duality, both the natural ones of matter and the artificial ones of temporal power, frees us from it. Dualities cease to have power over us.

To overcome the world, we must recognize dualities for what they are and understand them from a higher perspective, from an understanding that goes beyond them. Such an approach takes us away from the world and brings us closer to the kingdom.

True dualities must be experienced and unified.

False dualities must be reconciled and overcome.

To overcome the world, we must pierce and overcome these illusions, especially its dualities. To recognize the unity that unites these dualities is to understand the higher truths that govern illusions. It is not an intellectual approach, but a state of consciousness of non-duality.

To go beyond dualities and unite with the higher unity that underlies them is to create unity within oneself.