Anger is natural in human beings. It is a developer and must be used. Like all energy, it destroys us if we endure it and repress it within us. Or it explodes with violence and perversions. This interior or exterior violence is the opposite of the deep nature of the individual whose essence is only love, it is a negation of his ontological reality which can therefore only serve him physically, psychologically and spiritually. over the long term. There is a cultural and societal omerta about anger; which can only make it even more harmful and destructive. Whereas by raising awareness of it, it would become a springboard from a brake. If we transform this anger into fuel, it serves us and builds us.

The source of the anger must above all be analyzed: if it is anger against a parent for example, due to their behavior during our childhood and the bad education they gave us, then forgiveness is a powerful way to overcome and conscience. If anger comes from the state of society and the corruption of elected politicians, then we must transform it into energy and fuel to surpass ourselves, build resilience and build a new life in harmony with our values.

So the goal of the approach would be to converge all our tensions and negative emotions towards anger, and to a lesser extent stress:

Step 1: Observe our negative emotions and tension, perceive their sources, disidentify from our mechanisms. Analyze them: are they justified? If yes, go to the next step.

Step 2: We can then focus our tensions and emotions on their sources and transform them into anger or stress. Controlled anger and controlled stress can be transformed into ambition or channeled.

Step 3: transform anger and stress into fuel: sublimate them into something constructive in order to channel them. The goal is to find a goal and direct your energy captured by anger and stress towards it. It could be writing a book or building a natural shelter.

Tensions, if made aware and used well, can become assets to our evolution. By connecting to our deep humanity, we touch our vital momentum, energy is at the service of life: contributions, construction, sharing…