The first and foremost step in spiritual awakening is to discern the positive from the negative; what elevates us from what lowers us. Within matter, we are stuck in duality and therefore in battles of opposites. This manifests internally as a conflict between our higher and lower natures. Every moment is a choice: who should I follow? Every choice brings this conflict into play; part of us wants one thing, the other part wants something else.

Conflict reveals the difference between our heart (spiritual consciousness, aspirations) and ego (social programming, psychology, etc.). Everything can be lowered or raised; it takes very little to fall into darkness; but a lot of effort is required to resist this spiritual gravity and rise even higher. Everything can fall, everything can’t fly. So, recognizing the nature of choices and then making the right one is imperative. Some would say that there are no bad choices because they all lead to the same destination. But some routes are shorter and more pleasant than others…

Many esoteric teachings emphasize this need for distinction. The GNOSIS trilogy by Boris MOURAVIEFF, for example, mentions influences finding their origins outside of us. It demonstrates that our internal progress depends on the external influences that we assimilate.

These influences fall into 2 categories:

– those keeping us in our current level of evolution

– those inviting us to advance to the next level.

So how to discern? There are no rules because each case is unique at each moment. On the other hand, developing discernment allows us to perceive this dynamic. Discernment, moreover, is not analysis. Analysis is a lower mental aspect. Discernment is one of these superior aspects. Identify, recognize, discern, choose: the chains of our ignorance slowly but surely unravel, and the possibilities for evolution become a reality.

I offer coaching support that takes these aspects into account.