“Eternity has nothing to do with time. Eternity is the experience of the here and now, the fonction of life”

Joseph Campbell

Definition of time: Time is a concept that accounts for change in the world.

Definition of eternity: Eternity is a state independent of time and having neither beginning nor end.

Time is easy to define: it is quantifiable, measurable, it governs our lives. It is above all chronological time of watches. Eternity is indefinable. It is only possible to define it by what it is not: time.

Eternity is the creative principle. Time is the created.

Time is the chronology made up of actions and movements. Eternity is the moment when the act arises.

Time evokes a past or a future. Eternity evokes nothing, it is nothingness.

Time is between the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega, the genesis and the apocalypse. Eternity is between the end and the beginning, death and (re)birth.

Time is the watch and servitude. Eternity is our ultimate moment of freedom.

Time is the countdown to death. Eternity is infinity, the source of our existence.

The eternity of time is long and boring. The time of eternity is fleeting like a wink from the divine.

Our share of temporality is our mortality. Our part of eternity is our immortality.

Our material personality lives in time. Our divine impersonality is connected to eternity.

Our link to time is the clock. Our link to eternity is the soul.

Within our body – soul – spirit trinity: the body is immersed in time. The spirit is of all eternity. The bridge between them is the soul.

Eternity is expressed in time through cycles. Cycles are the brush of the creator, the language of the soul. Our personal cycles are our link to eternity.

Between time and eternity: the human being. His goal ? Unite them.