Do you know the secret, Transurfing, creative visualization, the law of attraction, your desire is your command…? These are teachings, principles intended to give us the keys to the manifestation of its reality. To allow us to create success and abundance.

But let us exercise discernment and wisdom before approaching such powers. Are we driven by our personal desires or our creative needs? Do they feed our ego or our soul? Do they imprison us in matter or free us from our attachments? Do they keep us in a horizontal dimension or do they elevate us to a vertical dimension? Do they reduce or increase our freedom and free will? What abundance(s) do we need? Is abundance desire or need?

I offer support on these subjects, which are important in a path to self-knowledge. Far from being a dogma, these questions are encountered on a spiritual journey and each of us maintains a relationship that is both unique and evolving regarding this subject.