“Every kingdom divided against itself becomes a desert; every city or house divided against itself will be unable to stand.”

Matthew 12:25

Duality in its relationship to the world and to oneself is an important subject.

In the age of computers and its 0/1 bits, the human intellect has a great tendency towards binary thinking. This thinking is useful for thinking about the world, allowing us to discern, separate, evaluate, judge… But it nevertheless limits us to mechanical and blind actions and reactions. It sometimes prevents us from thinking intelligently and creatively towards paradigm shifts. And leads to duality.

Even great intellectuals can also fall into this impasse. This form of thinking constructs a relative and limited paradigm, the thinking of a robot walking methodically on the route that has been traced for it. This binary thinking can lock us into a dead end of limitations, lies and conflicts.

Because duality is 2 choices, 2 states face to face. But the system is blocked. There is opposition. Any governance can enslave and create conflicts by creating forms of dualities in which to block people.

To unlock and overcome this system of dualities, the integration of a third element creates an opening. It transcends the first 2 and opens to nuances and forms of existence and thoughts that are richer and closer to reality. Because reality is always more complex.

Will the arrival of quantum computing shift consciousness into a form of non-binary thinking? Because its operations are no longer based on the manipulation of bits in a state 1 or 0, but on qubits* in superposition of states 1 and/or 0.

For now, here are some examples of dualities:

– “Either you are with me or you are against me!”

– “Are you science or religion?”

– “Are you right or left?”

* What is a quantum bit?

In a classical computer, information is stored in a set (register) of memory cells, bits, whose value is either 0 or 1. A quantum bit (qubit) has, for its part, two quantum states |0 > and |1>, separated by an energy difference defining its frequency (fQB), and can be in both of these states. During an algorithm (succession of operations called “logic gates”), the qubit register is in a quantum superposition of all its possible states (|00…0>, |10…0>, |11…1>, |10…1>), allowing massively parallel calculation.