“It is a wisdom that we preach among the perfect, a wisdom which is not of this age, nor of the leaders of this age who are going to be destroyed. » Boris Mouravieff

Temporal power can be compared to the Tower of Babel. In Genesis, shortly after the flood, while they spoke the same language, men reach a plain and settle there. They set out to build a city and especially a tower whose top touches the sky, that is to say rises to the level of God. Then the latter destroys the tower and confuses their language so that they do not understand more, and scatter them over the face of the earth. The human project has failed. This myth describes the pride of men in wanting to build a tower so high that she could reach the heavens. Man would then himself become God. But it is then destroyed and all men find themselves separated, dispersed and speaking different languages.

This tower is built both vertically by specialization and will personal elevation, giving men a temporary advantage, but which will be lost as soon as conditions change, making their specializations maladaptive and their human desire for power vain. It consolidates also horizontally by the universalist will of centralizing power equalizing and standardizing beings on their lower months. Vertical specialization, horizontal universalism. This myth of the Tower of Babel represents all the land forces at the work during each cycle, forces with the ambition to monopolize power temporal, to become immortal. It also represents our own ego building his identity, his mask and his pride. Because we are all workers of the Tower of Babel, participating in the construction and consolidation of the empire, without even realizing it. This tower is so huge and omnipresent, that it becomes invisible. In fact, she is part of us. She is our temporal and material part at work in the world. There is then no no more separation between the created and the creator, between the empire and our ego. We we are all to a greater or lesser degree participants in the aspects egoists and materialists of our society, of our civilization.

With each cycle, the tower is built. In each cycle, a materialistic force takes possession of it and builds it. It is when it is the largest and apparently the most powerful, the most despotic and the most severe, that it is in fact the most fragile. At the end of each cycle, it is annihilated by the cosmic forces at work, causing all the temporal elements to disappear which no longer have any reason to exist. So that the new cycle can be built on purified and healthy foundations. This tower is therefore the empire, but it is also our ego. At each cycle, this tower channels the material forces which will be annihilated at the end of the cycle. We cannot therefore eliminate the materialist forces destroying the planet and seeking to completely control us and possess our souls until they disappear. Because the parasite exploits its host until its death.

At each cycle, these evil forces are incarnated, revealed in matter and complete their turn of the wheel. If humans managed to get rid of their current elites, others would immediately appear. These earthly powers turn away from heavenly ways, only strengthening their outer power to the detriment of an ever deeper inner emptiness. Their faculties and powers are manifested during the time of the illusion, then stop at the end of each cycle. Babel means confusion. When man thinks he can understand and contact the divine by means external to itself, or by means purely mental or psychic, the result is always confusion. It is only through his inner truth and the Spirit can he caress the plan of eternity, enrich oneself with spiritual truths, and attain the perfection of balance, peace, inner power. In short, finally reaching the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Tower of Babel is the empire, it is our ego. His place is divinely right.