“The advances – spiritual, scientific, cultural – are shattered by tensions. Adepts have increased local and global tensions to prepare humanity for the Age of Aquarius, thus creating the ideal conditions for spiritual evolution and an eventual restoration of the mysteries in our modern era: presentation of the book by J. S. GORDON: The path of initiation (spiritual evolution and the restoration of the western mystery tradition).

This sentence seemed to me at first false and terrible. And yet: tension generates energy Energy allows movement and evolution A harmonious society is not scalable Evil / the adversary / the enemy would therefore be the guarantor of our evolution. Without him, there is no point of tension, therefore no internal evolution.

The nature of the tension serves to reveal the energetic potential and the direction of the possible path of evolution. Of course evolution can occur in gentleness, balance and harmony. But (unfortunately) obstacles and frustrations catalyze the will and push us to surpass ourselves; otherwise we could be condemned to stagnation, unfulfillment or even annihilation.

Consciousness advances through trauma; both on the scale of being and that of a society. Tensions, of less intensity and violence than trauma, can help us evolve thanks to the energy they will generate in our lives. their broader temporality allows them not to be subjected to them; by understanding their meanings and putting in place the necessary measures to overcome them. Because tension experienced and not overcome can end up transforming into trauma. It also contains the germ from its appearance.

Changing cycles, such as the one we are going through, reveal multiple tensions (environmental, societal, economic, etc.) which are reflected in our individual journeys causing, for example, feelings of helplessness or hatred. Resignation, anger or fear are all dead ends to these situations. Violence is only a brutal and unconscious resolution of the potential flow generated by tension. To use this energy potential for violence is to miss its initiatory content and its evolutionary nature.

The same goes for resignation, symbolizing flight and refusal to welcome the potential of the new. Using these tensions both as indicators of the necessary path of evolution and as a driver of our desire for inner change would avoid an explosive resolution.

Tension would therefore be the fuel of our evolution.