Our material reality consists of everything that can be experienced through the body and the five senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. These senses allow us to decode a certain frequency band, known as the electromagnetic spectrum. It is an energy field acting as our tangible reality and containing light vibrating at different speeds, which can be measured scientifically.

Our senses receive these vibrations and convert them into what is possible to see, listen, touch, taste and smell. Without the body and the senses, what is called reality could not exist. This spectrum is fragmented into different segments defined by their vibrational frequency rates: radio waves, microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays, gamma rays. Radio waves vibrate the slowest within this visible spectrum, gamma rays the fastest. This light has no tangible form, so it needs something that can decode this energy and convert it into matter. It is the role of the human body which therefore experiences this small section of the spectrum. Small, even rather tiny. In fact, scientists estimate that it is possible to decode only 0.35% of the entire electromagnetic spectrum.

Man therefore experiences a tiny part of reality. This means that there are immense planes of reality all around us that exist in energetic form, but are impossible to perceive. The human body creates the illusion of a physical reality, a tiny and illusory parenthesis of energetic space. Many other things exist around us without us being aware of them. Multiple dimensions therefore exist in the same space as ours, but beyond our sensory perception. Dimensions and beings exist in segments of the spectrum that are impossible for humans to decode. The thin layer of human reality is only the surface of reality.

The essential is therefore invisible.