“All truth goes through three stages, first it is ridiculed, then it is violently fought and finally it is accepted as evidence”

Arthur Schopenhauer

How to differentiate the old from the New? Discerning them is essential in our time of cycle change. In order to withdraw from the old disappearing and be able to invest one’s energy in the New emerging.

Those at the top of society are not necessarily the hardest working or lucky ones. They are often those who were able to anticipate societal and economic events and phenomena… They were able to invest their energies in the right emerging forms that were able to grow and later become the new norm.

The vision of subtle laws, discernment, enlightened knowledge become skills at the service of good life choices and good energy investments. Those recognizing the New of today become the moguls of tomorrow. Those channeling their life forces into the New are taking their soul path.

When consciousness leaves the vehicle which served as its form to accomplish its experience in matter, everything crystallizes and becomes fragile. She is looking for a new vehicle that matches her new frequency.

The old screams and moves to maintain attention and therefore the energy captured. The New is discreet to grow because it is fragile.

The old is certainty and pride. The New is mocked and misunderstood.

The old is power and fragility. The New is might and growth.

The old is distinguished from divine laws. The New merges with divine laws.

The old is yesterday’s truth. The New is the truth of tomorrow.

The old is the empty shell of institutions and media which maintain themselves through financial infusions and publicity effects. Our life force must withdraw from these sterile forms and find new forms to invest.

The old is the immense tree, he already knows who he is. The New is the barely visible germ, it does not know that it will become a tree.

The old is the highway of the system. The New is the path of the soul.

The old is the known and the repeated. The New is the innovative and the unknown.

Fear keeps the old, the mind knows it well, the accustomed sees only it. Confidence embraces the New, intuition senses it, joy feels it.

To cling to the old is to risk disappearing with it. To nourish the New is to grow with it.

Participants in the old are the regulars, the fanatics, and the change-resistant. The participants in the New are the visionaries, the nonconformists, and the misfits of the old.

The old is routine and dullnes. The New is discovery and enthusiasm.

Evil repeats the old, good creates the new.

The whole path of consciousness to follow is to find new forms through which to channel one’s life force.