The new is the unknown: a source of anxiety and fear; but also of discovery, conquest, evolution. The desire to explore the new is the sacred force detaching us from the usual, the old and pushing us towards terra incognita.

This regenerative force transcends (that is to say goes beyond without denying) our old modes of functioning; they are not lost but serve as a foundation for the evolution of being. To give birth to the new, you first need the germ.

The new is always within, in potential; it is the germ of the masculine principle. To incarnate, he needs his female partner. This masculine/feminine duality (interdependent, complementary and opposite) works together to create additional strength.

Creation is therefore a perpetual alliance of love between the unmanifest (the masculine) and the creator (the feminine) giving the created (the new form). The germ of our inner force of truth is masculine, but to be incarnated it must unite with its feminine polarity. The union of the two is necessary for all creation.

Our inner dimension being the source of our reality; this union must first be achieved internally in order to be incarnated externally.

The book Dialogues with the Angel teaches us about the new germ:

Interview 14: A little New is more than all the old, it cannot be weighed. Can you grasp in your heart what this little New that is in you means? He is capable of changing everything. All. It will appear everywhere, in everything. It will take away the taste of the old. You will feel disgust for the old one.

Interview 18: You recognize the New, the just, because it does not yet have a name. (….) There is one thing the Deceiver doesn’t know. One thing he doesn’t know: the New. He can only wear the old one. By this sign you can recognize it. The new can only be felt by its regenerative frequencies, without known form or mental concept defining it. It comes from our connection to our Higher Self, a divine connection to eternity giving an advantage over evil, which has no connection with Spirit and therefore can only copy, only stay within the rules of the game. The old one has served, its frequency is now outdated, because consciousness has evolved and needs a new container in which to incarnate. A container adapted to its new frequency. The old obsolete form begins to disappear, and a new form better suited to us awaits us: it is up to us to open ourselves to it.

Interview 52: Outside everything is collapsing, inside the New is being built.

Interview 34: The new force only sweeps away what is unfit for life.

Interview 75: The dragon struggles, but it cannot reach what is New. It carries with it everything that is old, but it cannot harm anything that is New. But the task must be without struggle; because the struggle is the old one. A sign: joy. We cannot be tired if we act in the new, but rather feel enthusiasm and new energy.

It is the accomplishment of the union of our inner masculine and feminine.