“Outside everything is collapsing, inside the New is being built.” Dialogues with the angel

“The new life, the new epoch of the Spirit supposes a total change of man, and not only a change of this or that of his parts”. Nicolas BERDIAEFF

Life is a constant renewal; it should even be our natural dynamic ensuring an environment always in phase with our inner evolution. Everything is ephemeral, only the new is eternal. Everything is subject to the universal cycle of birth – change – death – rebirth: this is the condition of harmony.

The evolutionary process is continuous. Consciousness uses matter as a vehicle of expression through which it learns and therefore evolves. To do this, it must first incarnate itself by descending into matter, limiting itself to form through a process of involution. She can then use this form to express herself and come up against the tangible reality of matter. Learning, maturity and improvement make this form progressively obsolete.

The old one was used, it is now outdated. Everything crystallizes and becomes rigid (the hero becomes a tyrant, the totalitarian government, religion & dogmatic science, ideologies want to impose themselves on reality, etc.); then comes the moment of disintegration and liberation so that consciousness can incarnate in other forms more suited to its new needs. Matter is linked to temporality.

There are 2 kinds of time: Kairos time (cyclical, qualitative, conscious and metaphysical) and chronos time (linear, quantitative, measurable and material). The spiritual dynamic is of course located in kairos time.

In terms of kairos time: the creative moment is between the end and the beginning of a new cycle; it is a moment of eternity in the creative world. We are constantly going through changing cycles: individual and collective.

It’s up to us to (re)know them through our recurring experiences, major changes, planetary cycles, dates of birth, certain ages of life, etc.; in order to ideally be able to anticipate them and start a new cycle through acts of conscience. On the collective level of humanity: everything seems to indicate to us that we are approaching the end of a cycle: global acceleration of trends and changes, convergence of various crises, climate change, rise in tensions and divisions… Daily news illustrate perfectly.

The good news is: the new cycle is coming! It does not yet seem to have begun to incarnate but we can nevertheless feel and imagine it. When will we experience the shift? there is much speculation about possible dates. But this is not important because we are in a kairos approach to time; chronos time being only secondary. In the same way, the energetic change of season (kairos) does not necessarily correspond to the theoretical date of the calendar (chronos). It is variable and dependent on numerous criteria. It can occur suddenly or gradually, early or late.

The future is therefore always open, and metaphysical time dominates physical time. It is nevertheless necessary to prepare spiritually and internally, because everything else will flow from these dimensions. Staying on the level of the soul is essential, and not on the level of the system that is condemned because it is based on temporal and therefore ephemeral foundations.

Plant a new conscious germ, create a new life based on a new paradigm… and whatever the result. It is important that these projects (interior or exterior) embody new egregores more significant by their new quality than their importance. They will have plenty of time to grow when the time comes… provided that these new developments decondition us and change us in depth.

The sacred masculine archetypes can help us evolve in this direction. By calling upon an energy higher than our level of consciousness; they lead us to go beyond our personal will, to free ourselves by breaking the mold of our conditioning. Consciously performing a symbolic act allows you to embody a new energy, to personalize an impersonal archetypal characteristic.

This act then becomes the blossoming of the new, our rite of passage.