The old VS the New

The old VS the New

“All truth goes through three stages, first it is ridiculed, then it is violently fought and finally it is accepted as evidence” Arthur Schopenhauer How to differentiate the old from the New? Discerning them is essential in our time of cycle change. In order to...
challenges of our time: creating the New

challenges of our time: creating the New

Consciousness uses form in order to be able to experience matter. To do this, it must become denser and limit itself for a time. Then, as consciousness evolves through its experiences, the form it uses as a vehicle no longer becomes relevant. Everything crystallizes,...
The new cycle

The new cycle

“Outside everything is collapsing, inside the New is being built.” Dialogues with the angel “The new life, the new epoch of the Spirit supposes a total change of man, and not only a change of this or that of his parts”. Nicolas BERDIAEFF Life is a constant renewal; it...
The new will is impersonal

The new will is impersonal

It can also be called divine, universal, cosmic will… That is to say a will located beyond the human plane, but expressed through it. The Gnostics call it Epinoia: they define it as “the afterthought of the Father”, carried by the goddess Sophia; in order to...
The egregores : indicator of the old and the New

The egregores : indicator of the old and the New

Egregores are collective thought forms created by human activities: a major subject of esotericism and spirituality unfortunately often ignored or little mentioned. Definition from Wikipedia: “An egregore (or eggregore) is, in esotericism, a concept designating a...
The new germ

The new germ

The new is the unknown: a source of anxiety and fear; but also of discovery, conquest, evolution. The desire to explore the new is the sacred force detaching us from the usual, the old and pushing us towards terra incognita. This regenerative force transcends (that is...