Delicate subject, because these notions are the opposite of societal egalitarianism and standardization; preventing us from discriminating and differentiating the inferior from the superior, the evil from the good, the involutive from the evolutionary….
Each being has lower and higher aspects, at the emotional, physical, intellectual levels… Our free will implies a fundamental choice between these two aspects. Examples:
– Lower emotions: anger, frustration
– Higher emotions: love compassion
– Lower intellectual: calculation, analysis
– Superior intellectual: intuition, creativity
There are therefore different degrees within the same nature: some are rather limiting, disharmonious, locked in causality; they may be perceived as inferior. Others are evolutionary, expansive, acausal, harmonious; they are considered superior. The kingdoms are also hierarchical: mineral, plant, animal, human kingdoms.
The human being is part of the highest kingdom in the visible (not necessarily the most intelligent! But having access to the mental plane, therefore to a more advanced level of development). He was able to advance thanks to the previous (i.e. lower) kingdoms serving as a basis (both biological and conscious) on which to build his own kingdom.
The previous reign is therefore the basis on which the following reign is built. It serves him and allows the evolution of both the higher kingdom because he can then live and acquire a more advanced consciousness; but also allows its own evolution because it is in the service of a higher cause. The evolution of consciousness is then global and will therefore also serve all other levels of consciousness.
Why approach the kingdoms of nature on a subject concerning the lower and higher aspects of being? There is an obvious analogy: the inferior must be at the service of the superior. Our lower aspects are necessary for our evolution if accepted, integrated and surpassed (= transcended). They serve as the foundation, the fuel for our evolution.
Exceeded anger becomes the energy fueling compassion, intellectual analysis serves to build projects driven by creative intuition, our sexual impulses nourish love, our life impulses put themselves at the service of our life project. More broadly, the human kingdom then places itself at the service of the kingdoms which are superior to it; that is to say the divine: angelic or archangelic reigns.
There is therefore a full correlation between the microcosm (here the human being) and the macrocosm (the reigns of nature). Our inner choices then fit together within a much larger reality, the plans influencing each other.
Concretely, humbly, we can recognize our limiting aspects (bringing disharmony and separation) and use them for higher aspects within ourselves; in order to tend towards a broader and higher dimension. More broadly: evil can be perceived as inferior in the service of the superior (of good).
Because it helps indirectly (or at least involuntarily) to make choices, to strengthen the strong and to develop the good. The darker the night, the brighter the light.