“If you let what is in you express itself, what you express will save you. If you don’t let what’s inside you express itself, what you don’t express will destroy you.” Gospel according to Saint Thomas.

“The greatest freedom is to be what you are. »Jim MORRISON

This term is totally different from individualism symbolizing an ego-centered relationship with the world, for oneself to the detriment of others and general harmony. Individuality can be summed up by the art of exteriorizing our spiritual nature, in a logic of service and gift of life. Individuality begins when we emit our own frequency, rather than reflecting the frequencies of our environment.

When we begin to imprint our intentions around us, rather than receiving the imprint of existence. This represents a major crossroads in our lives, a consequence of our level of consciousness rather than a choice; covering many aspects of our existence and can take on almost infinite levels of subtlety. But to express one’s deep nature is already to oppose the group(s); it is upsetting the social/family balance… On the other hand, the art of individual expression allows authentic relationships and an optimal contribution to a community.

Individualizing yourself and going beyond your socio-cultural determinism is therefore perceived as a threat to the group (at least at the beginning). But then rebalancing can bring more authenticity, excellence and freedom. Provided that the socio-cultural environment allows such evolution of its members… This is the indicator of the level of freedom and evolution.

So how to accomplish it? First, interiority is necessary to connect to one’s deep nature. Then its exteriorization, incarnation in matter. These two stages each have their own difficulties and possibilities for overcoming. This can take a lifetime, come quickly as a revelation, or never happen. Concern certain aspects of your life, and not others… In fact, there are no rules because any process of individualization is necessarily personal, new, unprecedented.

I offer coaching support on the fulfillment and development of individuality.