The plan of Spirit is the unmanifest absolute principle.

The plane of matter is the temporal manifestation of the principle.

The point of contact between these 2 planes is the horizon. All the struggles and wars of mythological stories and sacred writings can be summarized by this universal battle between the eternal and the temporal, between principle and its manifestation, between Spirit and matter.

This horizon is the border separating the 2 planes having opposing logics and consciousnesses. This conflict of energies, this friction generated by the meeting of these 2 planes produces fire and energy. From the heat of the embrace between the soul and the flesh, from the friction ignited by the junction of these two poles of the creator and the created, the glow of consciousness awakens: of the senses, of the emotions, of growth and dissolution, creation and destruction.

This is one of the great teachings transmitted by the wise men of ancient cultures. Through the marriage and the relationship between Spirit and matter, the force of incarnation and the momentum of life of every germ is implanted in the body of mother nature.

All human values and behaviors are born through the constant war between these two poles of creation. History depicts them as enemies, as an unfortunate drama, a cosmic tragedy. Confusion and chaos has arisen in the theological arena because of evil. But creation needs an opposing force to generate the necessary tension. This conflict is beyond good and evil, which are only relative aspects of the world of phenomena.

These forces are not antagonistic fighting for domination of creation. They are 2 components of a single reality. Through the conflicting horizon life is born, through the war of two opposing forces the principle can be incarnated in manifestation.

This conflict is found in our lives through tensions and wars, both outside and within us. The horizon est also within us. The requirement is to perceive these phenomena with discernment, to overcome naive judgments and false ideas about the world and especially about ourselves.