There is darkness and light. The first is in the plural because its manifestations are numerous. The second is singular because it is unitary and unique. As the descent into matter progresses, there are fragmentations and dualities. So the darkness is inferior, both in frequency and consciousness. But it has a higher purpose that serves the light. Currently, darkness dominates. There are many reasons to be pessimistic and desperate. And yet…

The darkness will try to extinguish the light, and conquer the material plane. But the manifestation of darkness on earth has 3 purposes:

– force us to make choices and position ourselves

– push us towards the light (if that is the choice) in order to change and realize its true value

– reveal everything that is hidden

It is therefore necessary that darkness dominates for a certain time, that is to say during the end of the cycle. Otherwise, nothing would motivate us to change and seek the truth. This period will take the form of a struggle between darkness and light, externally and internally, in the events of the world and in the interiority of humans. Crises must be strong enough to force us to avoid lukewarmness and position ourselves clearly.

So here is the higher purpose: darkness is not an adversary of light, it is used to separate us. That will take time. The light has already won, because the contrasts between darkness and light will become more and more accentuated. Beneath the surface of the dramas and battles, the real issue is at stake: the split between 2 tones of consciousness.

Everything will be revealed, the veil of illusions and lies is gradually being torn apart to reveals the truth. Everything needs to come out and be brought to light during this time. It is not to destroy us but to reveal us to the divine and to ourselves,  and to free us from it. Because how can we become aware of and transcend what is hidden? It is then possible to reveal, denounce and release the darkness: both in the world and in ourselves. The darkest moments are potentially the most relevant moments for self-knowledge, free will and liberation.