Georges Gurdjieff or Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff or G. I. Gurdjieff, born in Armenia, was a mystic, philosopher, composer and spiritual teacher.

There are 3 ways:

– the way of the body: the one who manages to completely master his body is the fakir

– the way of the heart: it is the monk

– the path of the spirit: it is the yogi

According to him, the path to awakening consciousness involves unifying the mind, emotions and body. So by the techniques of the fakir, the monk and the yogi. Gurdjieff developed a method to achieve this potential which he called Work (on oneself) or the method. In order to awaken one’s consciousness, this method united the techniques of the fakir, the monk and the yogi: he called it the Fourth Way.

This unified consciousness allows us to escape from the hypnotic state in which humans would find themselves. To wake up from the state of sleep, move to a higher state and reach full human potential.