Every form of spiritual narration relates in some way the relationship of the soul to the body and its cycles of descent and return. These cycles were known to Greek philosophical systems such as Platonism as kuklos (cyclos) anagkes, “the cycles of necessity”. Global human evolution, taken in the real philosophical sense of the ancients, is under the impetus of what should be called a divine necessity.

The soul advances towards its celestial destiny, step by step, cycle by cycle, by the necessity of its own nature. Evolution and necessity come together in a cosmic logic good for the soul. Accomplishment is accomplished through one’s pilgrimage around the circle of the cosmos, through its cycles. The end of a cycle is its outcome. The apocalypse, the end of human creation according to Christian eschatology, means tearing of the veil, revelation.

At the end of any cycle, all the components of this cycle reach their conclusion and are revealed. All the memories, the unaccomplished, the actions, the events making up this cycle rise to the surface of existence and are revealed. At certain times problems hit us, often in a violent and serious way, which can call into question certain aspects of our lives. They are often markers of change in cycles, individual or collective (family, nation, civilization, etc.). These memories (re)surface, and have nothing to do with our personal lives. 

By incarnating in front of us, they can finally be made aware and liberated. Because these memories are mostly unconscious; traumas forgotten in the depths of the unconscious, family secrets buried for sometimes several generations… But the fact of making them aware means that the deep nature of the difficulties have been understood and that their lessons have been integrated. Through an impersonal perception and detached from any dramatic intensity of the trials, it is then possible to understand their meanings and be transformed. These memories will have fulfilled their roles and will never return to the family or collective system.

In this end of the cycle that we are currently experiencing, the lives of many people are becoming very complicated and problematic. This end of the cycle has both individual and collective significance. By consciously going through these turbulences, it is possible to detect memories that can be transcended. Difficult periods can therefore become progressive, on this condition.