Egregores are collective thought forms created by human activities: a major subject of esotericism and spirituality unfortunately often ignored or little mentioned.

Definition from Wikipedia: “An egregore (or eggregore) is, in esotericism, a concept designating a group spirit influenced by the common desires of several individuals united for a well-defined goal. This force needs to be constantly nourished by its members through established and defined rituals.”

This term comes from the Greek egregoroi, designating the force generated by the mental, emotional and physical energies of one or more people coming together around a common goal. It is a concentration of energies with a tendency towards self-preservation, towards non-change.

All human groups have their egregores (culture, politics, science, sport, religions, families, etc.). It is therefore very difficult for beings integrated into egregores to change them. On the other hand, it is possible to detach yourself from it.

Freeing yourself from limiting egregores for other more evolving egregores is the true plan of evolution.

Egregores are even a major indicator of our inner evolution. It is a revealing and a powerful lever on which to work, provided of course that we know how they work and how they act on us; very often in spite of ourselves (the time of our unconsciousness and/or our ignorance). Behind each human group, socio-cultural activity, collective movement, identity, identification, obsession, addiction, dogma, belief, habit there are hidden egregores shaping our reality.

It’s up to us to perceive them, to feel what our energetic frequency nourishes. For this we need discernment, inner listening, feeling, self-observation… Any change encounters resistance, because any novelty and desire for change will threaten the egregores because we will no longer be able to supply them with energy; their instinct for preservation will therefore do everything possible to preserve their resources, that is to say us.

In general, the situation worsens as we approach release. The egregore “pulls out the big strings”, causing synchronicities / combination of circumstances in order to revive the old frequency corresponding to it. The (relative) consciousness of the egregore, its perception outside of space/time allows it to play on the beings over which it has influence. It can be through the triggering of a chance encounter intended to rekindle a certain frequency (guilt between members of a group or family, hatred or resentment through altercations, etc.), a problem (frustration or failure following a breakdown , anger against a failing bureaucratic/IT system, etc.), temptation (alcohol, sex, etc.).

Our deliverance is hindered when the inner path has (almost) been accomplished and consequently our environment is about to change. The egregore trap is crossed in an impersonal way; through detachment and observation. New egregores, corresponding to our new consciousness/frequency, then become part of our new energetic environment.