Eternity is expressed in time through cycles.

All these cycles give meaning to the creation. They are a framework, a structure of time, archetypal and extremely organized, on which human beings rely unconsciously. Each cycle is emblematic of the others, containing them or being contained by them. If man knows his life within these cycles, he knows everything. As we age, we increasingly perceive the cycles acting on our lives.

The traditional perspective connects humans to the Heavens, it admits a deep correspondence between the microcosm (humanity) and the macrocosm (the cosmos). Our existence is at all levels in close correspondence with the planetary and star signs; correspondence either harmonic if the human being merges with these cosmic forces, or in disharmony if he distinguishes himself from them.

The Heavens therefore act on the visible and invisible worlds, structuring them, but also limiting them. This matrix governing life can be seen as a structuring element directing human consciousness, or as a framework limiting its ambitions and its freedom.