Noah built an ark so that he and his family would be saved from the flood.

The Noah of Genesis was the son of Lamech, symbolizing the strength of youth. And Noah symbolises the seed of the New. It is in the strength of youth that we idealize matter and attach our spiritual enthusiasm to it. The senses and materiality stimulate us and shape our spiritual perception.

But the laws of balance act, they trigger a correction in the form of a cleansing, a violent and merciless purification represented by a flood. It is a physical affliction. Bad thoughts are drowned and the earth is cleansed.

But Noah can be perceived by the essential that is preserved. When all is lost, there remain the seeds which will sow the new cycle and the new purified earth. The faculties of the mind having been used with a wrong relationship to the truth, to its inner truth, a process of destruction appears in a corrupt earth. The higher laws regulate human consciousness, and restore balance. The storm continues as long as necessary to prepare the new earth for more righteous and true material expressions.

Noah and his family find refuge in the ark of their consciousness. They find rest in the spiritual part of their consciousness, even in the midst of error and disconnection from higher principles. They protect in their ark everything that concerns the being.

Possessions and appareance are washed away by the flood. Anything that is not part of their truth is annihilated. When we renounce our sensory faculties as the sole source of so-called divine reality, we awaken to our spiritual nature, we have access to transcendence. We are no longer subject to dissolution by destructive means.

The ark is eternal, it is our ultimate refuge from where the storms can never touch us. It is our part of truth sheltered from the disorders of the world. The flood is the principle of harmony, the cycle of natural perfection aligned with higher laws, guaranteeing balance between soul and being.