We are all One in origin and essence. But we vary in the expression, forms, functions, polarities and intensity of this fundamental spark. We all have different life stories, unique perceptions and consciousnesses. Once all these life forms gain self-awareness and free will, they make different choices depending on their situation and their choice possibilities. We are all united at the trunk, but diverse at the branches. We are, so to speak, a unified diversity.

A classification is therefore necessary to better understand this diversity and the relationship between all these parts, from the base of the trunk to the tips of the branches. This concept of densities (and not dimensions) was first described in the L/L Research series in 1981, and in the books The law of One – Ra Material.

Definition of densities: Plan of consciousness measuring its development. Each density corresponds to stages in the evolution of consciousness. The lowest densities have rudimentary consciousnesses obeying simple laws. Higher densities are more sophisticated for both body, mind and soul.

These densities denote a certain degree of consciousness. Just as biology divides life into six kingdoms, we can divide conscious life into at least seven densities. Why seven? Because it is the minimum number of classifications necessary to account for the plurality of forms. There may be more, but there are no less.

It is possible to state that minerals are less sensitive than plants, plants less sensitive than animals, and average animals less sensitive than average humans. There is therefore a scale between lower sensitivity and higher sensitivity. It is also possible to affirm that there exist invisible forms of life as described in mythologies, sacred texts, legends and cosmogonies… All of this goes beyond the human and tangible sphere. But let’s assume that it is possible to extrapolate this logic of densities to the ultimate cause, that is to say the Creator. Between the most elementary matter and the unmanifest absolute lies a scale that can be divided into seven levels.

– The first density (1D) is the lowest, corresponding to atoms, molecules and minerals. The level of consciousness is rudimentary and simple, as are the possibilities for evolution.

– Second Density (2D) encompasses plant and animal life. Consciousness experiences instinct, will, drive, pain or pleasure. Examples of the lowest 2D life forms include plants and fungi, whose consciousness is rudimentary. Higher 2D life forms are beginning to experience self-awareness.

– Third Density (3D) includes humans. 3D beings possess the beginnings of self-awareness and free will. They begin to explore their individuality and their relationships with others. They begin to choose whether they want to help others or exploit them, whether they seek to remain in their confinements or whether they long for liberation. This process is accompanied by a myriad of accumulated experiences and lessons that solidify their individualities. As beings evolve in 3D, they can reach the peak of this density, transcending it in order to arrive at the threshold of the next level.

– Fourth Density (4D) includes beings who have partially transcended the limits of space-time. They are on the border between the physical and the subtle. 4D beings and their environments are both potentially physical and non-physical. Physicality seems malleable and responsive to thought. Some are positive, others more negative. The spiritual goal of existence in 4D is to achieve understanding of consciousness and mastery of spirit over matter, to fully live one’s choice of spiritual polarity.

– Fifth Density (5D) is the first non-physical density. 5D beings evolved towards this density after transcending 4D. They seem to have achieved the highest wisdom and total perfection of their individuality.

– Sixth Density (6D) is also completely non-physical, occupied by individual entities who have achieved perfection with respect to personal evolution, who then join with other perfected individuals and evolve together as group units. ‘souls. They exist completely outside of space-time.

– The Seventh Density (7D) is “oneness with the Creator”, the total dissolution of individual existence. Not by the annihilation of consciousness but by the realization of an infinite expansion of consciousness which permeates the All.

There are no clear boundaries between densities; they overlap.