A cycle consists of 3 phases, or divine forces acting in matter:

– a creative force

– a holding force

– a force of destruction

Each phase lasts about a third of the cycle.

During the last third, everything crystallizes and becomes fragile. The destruction process can be gradual or brutal. Everything that made up the paradigm of the ending cycle becomes obsolete and old. This elder disappears in the wake of the tumults of history: a revolution, an invasion, a climatic hazard… which are only the consequences of invisible divine influences. A phenomenon of convergence of crises can reveal the end of an important cycle, like what we are currently experiencing.

Wanting to retain the old and not change is to prevent divine forces from acting in our lives. It is putting oneself out of step with the divine, in disharmony with certain parts of the valley even.

With the old disappearing, the New cycle can begin to incarnate in the new, now empty space. The power of this paradigm shift is proportional to the proportionality of the destruction. From the ashes of the old the New can be born.

The more this old one dies, the more the New can emerge from the ashes of the old paradigm. The more we die to ourselves and renounce our old identities, the more we will be able to build a new life corresponding to our new consciousness. All our material possessions that can disappear in this process of major change represent our old identities, like so many tangible markers revealing our intangible upheavals.

Starting a new cycle in full consciousness means already being able to understand what we are losing, it is being able to recognize the parts of ourselves that are abandoning us. From these lost identities, new identities can now emerge in harmony with our new consciousness and with the new divine forces at work.

This process is constant. It is perpetual change, the temporal sand subjected to the rock influences of the eternal. Each new cycle is a paradigm shift, whether partial and small, or total and immense.