There are three levels of development of consciousness, which are all relationships with the world and with oneself:

1) Hylic: physical plane, material consciousness.

Key word: objective exterior.

Beings in this level are captives.

2) Psychic: psychological level, personal consciousness.

Key word: subjective interior.

Beings in this level are called ones.

3) Pneumatic: spiritual plane, impersonal consciousness.

Key word: impersonal universal.

Beings in this level are chosen ones.

To pierce the darkness through our consciousness is to perceive the mystery of existence through a knowledge of higher and deeper reality. As he descends into the heart of his interiority, through the lights of his knowledge, the being reaches a higher level of truth.

This process of unveiling begins with the physical, the surface of one’s reality. Because the visible gives a first glimpse of its environment and of itself.

Then comes the truth of his psyche, he begins to delve into his mind and creates a new apprehension of the world on principles of the unconscious, on rules of psychology. He acquires new keys to understanding and classifying behaviors and forms.

And finally, stands the threshold of the spiritual world. The type of knowledge at this level is different, because he must pierce the darkness with enlightened and revealed knowledge, requiring a delve into himself. By going beyond the surface of form and classifications of the psyche, he can reach the essence: a broader and paradoxical spiritual truth.

Truth, reality and spirituality then become synonymous.

Some are stuck in one or two levels, others evolve from material to spiritual. Between each level, there is a change of nature and not of degree.

The current challenge for humanity is to be able to move from level 2, well developed in recent centuries by the appearance of psychology, the study of the psyche; at level 3 in the embryonic state for beings not yet realized.