The 3 lower bodies of the human being are:

– The physical/etheric body: it is the physical body around which the etheric vital body is located like a scaffolding. The motor center is the pelvis. It is our plan of sensations, actions, instincts.

– The emotional/astral body: superimposed on the physical body, it understands our emotions and is linked to the astral plane. The emotional center is the heart. It is our plan of feelings, emotions.

– The mental/intellectual body: it contains all our thinking energy on the intellectual level. The intellectual center is the head. It is our plan of thoughts, intentions.

There are other bodies, but these 3 mentioned are our lower bodies to which we have easy access (in particular through our sensations, emotions and thoughts) and through which we can act, change and be informed. At any time, it is possible to observe yourself on these 3 bodies by trying to listen and separate:

– our sensations

– our emotions/feelings

– our thoughts

Sometimes our sensations, emotions and thoughts are aligned and coherent, sometimes not. For example, it is possible to feel happy, feel cold, and be confused. To be intellectually tired, but enthusiastic and full of spirit. To be out of breath from muscular effort but deep in thought. To be emotionally disturbed by a film while sitting comfortably. To experience pain while being calm. To think while being wet and hampered by the rain… 3 bodies but thousands of possibilities!

Each moment is a unique combination of sensations, emotions/feelings and thoughts. Being able to observe 3 aspects of ourselves simultaneously means becoming aware of our 3 bodies and these 3 etheric, astral and mental planes.

The next step is to recognize the lower and higher aspects of each body:

– low sensations: pain, fatigue, heaviness…                  

– high sensations: pleasure, form, lightness…

– low feelings/emotions: anger, resentment, bitterness…

– high feelings/emotions: love, joy, enthusiasm…

– base thoughts: calculation, analysis, compulsion…

– higher thoughts: intuition, discernment, creativity…

Each state of each body resonates with the plane corresponding to it and nourishes it.