The concept of synchronocities introduced by Jung in the 1920s means a simultaneous occurrence of at least 2 events having no causal link between them. In recent years, this idea of seemingly unrelated events creating a certain meaning has generated new emergences, a new fashion or relationship to reality.

This scientific approach to the study of spontaneous order in the universe led to synchromysticism: the discovery of convergent symbols in pop culture, the meeting between the psyche and alternative cultures, the collision between the mystical and the digital, between esotericism and social networks, between spiritual traditions and geek culture, between science and conspiracy.

The term Synch is more generally used to incorporate all of these aspects of synchronicity. This term synchro-mysticism was coined by Jake Kotze in 2006, linking the concepts of mysticism and synchronicity. These synchs operate as an undercurrent of divine consciousness personified by myriad symbols and processes creating our reality. Modern myths appear this time in books, stories, films, social media messages, pieces of music; repeating the same eternal archetypal stories. These messages are addressed through new modern modes of communication such as contemporary culture and the internet.

Do we nourish our soul and our subconscious in our connected world? The waves of synch may not touch us, until a moment of rupture of logic, when our life turns upside down. These phenomena are a natural expression of the collective unconscious. They are proof of law and cause and effect, that every choice and action can change an aspect of reality. But this holographic universe is embodied this time in the modern matrix of films, the Internet, alternative cultures…

These projections of our collective unconscious can therefore be expressed indifferently in the living as in the artificial, in organic life as well as in the artificial. in the digital matrix, in ancient mythologies as well as in modern cultures. From Alice in Wonderland to international company logos, from the esoteric to the psychedelic, from fairy tales to Twitter, from the past to the future, reality can become even stranger than fiction.

Everything is vibration and frequency, even in artificial reality and the modern computer. The divine uses the most surprising channels of communication to speak to our depths. Our modern matrix had to be based on solid and logical models of reality, limiting imagination and intuition. The synchromystic rides the artificial wave instead of just looking at it. He is immersed in this modern matrix, but the latter is also connected to the great Whole. Modern societal structures, despite their attempts at control and predictability, can suffer from flaws that allow light to pass through.