Spirituality is often perceived in the minds of the public and its followers as the perception of the invisible. Which is true, because this multidimensional perception is the true nature of our reality. But nevertheless not everything that is invisible is necessarily benevolent and evolving. Approaches to spirituality must be structured and structuring; it is possible to qualify it as a science.

But a science not based solely on rationality and the acquisition of knowledge, but the integration or even absorption of knowledge in the depths of being. It does not program or condition, but liberates and personalizes intelligence. It leads to deep analyses, to new profound perspectives, not necessarily in a linear and rational reflection. It leads to intuitive and nevertheless logical deductions, through the link between the brain and the heart. It leads beyond the form, that is to say the external appearance, and to perceiving the essence, that is to say the deep nature.

The initiatory transformation of the being modifies its interior truth and therefore the perception of its reality, the elevation is measured by the depth of its interiority. It is serious, long, arduous and sometimes dangerous work.