Politics and religion share some of the same limitations: the savior and the utopia. On the one hand, it is a better world to hope for and a savior to elect. On the other hand, there is paradise to be won and a messiah to be welcomed. Attention! It is not a question of criticizing them, but of questioning our relationship with them. Changing our relationship with society (especially politics and religion) changes our relationship with the world.

Human beings have always needed to aspire to a better world, here below or in heaven: a distant memory of the perfect unity before the fall into duality. Its deep legitimate aspirations can be used by a temporal power to lock beings into a state of submission. To overcome these conditionings is to gain freedom and move forward on your path in life.

The societal utopia and the messianic welcome will never be granted; they will never correspond to the aspirations of the soul and our subconscious projections. They are therefore instruments of control of an empire used to annihilate the power of a sovereign being. This allows subjects to be locked into dependence on external forms of power. Their powers over us take root in our inner depths. To mourn collectivist utopias is to mature and open the way to individual consciousness. This is not rejecting religion or politics (that would be throwing the baby out with the bathwater), because they are very useful for the organization of beings and civilizations!

But it means being able to give them a fair place in our lives. We will save ourselves from inevitable future disappointments and gain autonomy. We will be able to leave the mentality of the multitude and think independently. As long as our inner emotional states are dependent on external events, we will lose. As long as we worship the false idols of the system (sport, media, culture, etc.) and its false experts (science, economics, etc.), we will lose. We will continue to ignore our inner power by delegating it to an external authority. We will continue to live on the surface of our being without feeling our deep emotions drawing their source from our divine essence. The world must continue to touch us; it is not a question of closing ourselves off from it. But it should not totally determine our personal passions; by being the sole source.

No longer being dependent on an external system means finding the main source of our will within ourselves; it’s making our inner power the fuel for our individual engine. Balancing the interior and the exterior should be the pivot on which to build our lives. Feeling the inside as the cause and the outside as the effect would be all the better. External events can touch us without affecting us, can influence us without deviating our inner compass.

What a big difference on the path of consciousness! The boat of our existence stops sailing with the winds and then stays on course towards our liberation.