The first step to our liberation is to become aware of our own imprisonment. We are gradually becoming aware that the dice were loaded from the start. The promises that modern technologies could liberate us, that social networks would bring us closer together and develop our relational lives were lies.

Politicians’ promises that a better world was possible by sacrificing a little of our freedoms and our taxes were lies. The media’s promises that happiness could be found in the consumption of material goods and in digital adventure were lies. Food, alcohol, Amazon Prime, Netflix, exotic trips, free pornography… all that could fill us up and make us happy; everything was a lie.

Our occult masters can now laugh at the polluted horizon and the collapse of our civilization; our collective unconscious rotting under the infection of these parasites. Yes, the finding is negative. And no one will come to save us. We realize that it is useless to vote, to comment on social networks, to attack visible powers. For we are livestock for the Gods, ruthlessly farmed for our energy. Any escape is impossible. It is time to accept that there is only one way out: it is spiritual evolution, it is personal heresy.

The only possibility of getting out of the game is to no longer participate in it. This is the ideal time to delve into your interiority and rise more than ever to disrupt the cosmic order. For each individual who awakens and begins to free himself is a cosmic event, a rebellion causing panic in hell.