A few quotes to get you started:

Matrix movie:

“I believe the Matrix can remain our cage or become our chrysalis”.


Guillaume FERA:

“Our relationship with matter is the key to both our own imprisonment and liberation. For we have to be involved with matter while at the same time freeing ourselves from it. On the one hand, to shun or demonize matter robs us of this potential for experience. On the other hand, being dependent on attachments or suffering holds us captive. It’s a fine line, but it represents the true initiatory dimension of incarnation.”


Whitley Strieber:

“It’s time for us to wake up and face the truth: we’re a captive species on a prison planet. But the fact that we’re so close to understanding the science of our imprisonment means we’re just beginning to touch the keys that open the door. And if we are strong, if we challenge and defeat these sinister forces that now rule us, we have a chance at last to free this space and do what we can do. We can do a lot, and that those who love us have been hoping for since time immemorial.”



“The best way to stop a prisoner from not escaping, and make him believe he’s not in prison”


Genesis – carpet crawlers:

“You got to get in to get out”


Frank Zappa:

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue that illusion. When the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they’ll just dismantle the stage. They’ll pull up the curtains, they’ll put away the tables and chairs and you’ll see the brick wall from the back of the theater.”