by | | Spiritual science of emprisonment and liberation
The path to liberation requires enormous courage, because it requires creating the conditions of detachment from the multiple links connecting us to the past: historical, family, cultural… It requires separating from the old in order to bring out the New in his...
by | | Spiritual science of emprisonment and liberation
We are living in times where the possibilities of confinement are numerous, and where the possibilities of liberation have never been so strong. The paradox of our time: – debt and financial logic are all oriented towards more control and enslavement – the...
by | | Spiritual science of emprisonment and liberation
“It is the world that has been put before your eyes to blind you from the truth. Neo: What truth? Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage. In a prison that you can neither taste nor see nor touch. A prison for your mind »...
by | | Spiritual science of emprisonment and liberation
Liberation / freedome is a state of being. Liberation is a process. Liberation / freedom is the destination. Liberation is its path. But can we be happy? From the moment we ask ourselves the question, we no longer are. It’s the same for freedom. Wanting to be free...
by | | Spiritual science of emprisonment and liberation
“Nous, God, being male and female, beginning as life and light, gave birth, by the word, to another Nous, the creator of the world ; he, being the god of fire and air, formed seven powers who emcompass in their circles the sensory world, and the governance of...
by | | Spiritual science of emprisonment and liberation
“there is no way to deliverance, since we have never been enslaved…there is nowhere to go, there is nothing to do. Man has nothing to “do” directly to experience his total and infinitely happy freedom. What he has to do is indirect and...