It is possible to state that myths of sun gods are the origin of many cults, traditions and religions. This is not a statement regarding mere folklore, or archaeological findings. But rather a primordial tradition with a global scope serving as a basis for human spiritual evolution. From China to India, from ancient Egypt to ancient Greece, from African tribes to South American civilizations… It seems that solar figures represented the highest incarnations of human spiritual principles.

These myths seem both coherent and carriers of initiatory knowledge, using the intellect and the spiritual to infuse truths and wisdom, while being hidden in plain sight because perceived only by those ready. These high-level spiritual truths were impossible to convey in words. A myth or allegory seemed more relevant to carry subtleties and teachings across time and peoples, while being veiled by a veil.

In Egypt: Osiris, Horus, Serapis, Hermes, Thoth…

In Syria: Atis, Sabazius, Zagreus…

In Babylon: Marduk, Sargon…

In Persia: Mithra, Ahura-Mazda

In Greece: Orpheus, Dyonisos, Achilles, Hercules, Perseus, Prometheus…

In India: Vyasa, Krishna, Buddha

In Tibet: the Boddisattvas….


A myth is both fiction and instruction. These myths of the sun gods were universal crossing cultures, continents and millennia. They personified the individual spiritual journey of human beings during their earthly incarnation: they were the universal models of human divine potential. These deities were the inner human gods, the divine sparks from the depths of the psyche that were to be expressed and fulfilled.

These solar deities had a regular cycle, symbolizing the annual race of the 12 signs of the zodiac. This annual journey of the sun represented the cyclical spiritual history of human divine potential, it was a reflection of the history of its incarnation. Our inner divinity, according to the ancients, was made up of the essence of solar energy.

We would be solar gods in the making! Our glorious higher nature is like the mythical solar characters. Our inner immortal Spirit is a tiny but powerful solar spark. Our task during incarnation would be to be inspired by the stories of these solar deities. As a being of flesh and blood, the kingdom of heaven can be achieved through our individual victory over the darkness of matter and the spiritualization of the body.

We are the sun gods described in ancestral myths. These ancient allegories represent our solar essence to emerge into the world.