We are all students in the mystery course. The right connection to the divine plan can be established and flourished through skills. They must study, develop, improve… Here is a small, non-exhaustive list.

– Availability: Make yourself available, receive information, be inspired, develop your intuition and embody the New. Making yourself available consists of opening spaces of emptiness, of silence. Every day spend time in contemplation or meditation, allow yourself moments of inactivity and solitude. Always being in action and doing it blocks us in a materialistic posture. Allowing ourselves to be fertilized by higher forces requires receptivity, the creation of spaces of emptiness in our activities in the world and also within ourselves. These spaces increase our availability to the divine, opening possibilities for embodying the New.

– Discernment: It is a key skill which combines intellectual analysis and the feelings of the heart. Discernment is the ability to discriminate, recognize through contrasts, nuances and an effort of the senses, the heart and the mind. It is the combination of all these elements that makes them skills of the higher intellect. This brings us closer to intuition and leads to accurate assessments. Discernment goes further than intellectual analysis and feeling, because it is a synergy. It helps to see and feel beyond the veil of illusions and appearances, beliefs and judgments, certainties and ignorance.

– Bliss: According to the principle of polarity of the Kybalion: “everything is double”, “everything has two poles”, “everything has two extremes”, “The thesis and anti-thesis are identical in nature, but different in degrees” . Any human feeling can generate and nourish its opposite. Joy and happiness, for example, can reveal and consolidate their opposite poles, sadness and unhappiness. Nature, in order to restore balance, can therefore provoke them. We need to develop positive feelings that do not generate opposites because they do not have any. Bliss is one of them. It is a state of bliss linked to eternity.

– Gratitude: It is a feeling of recognition and inner thanks beyond situations and circumstances. In the same way as bliss, this feeling does not generate an opposite and connects us positively with higher principles. In the face of adversity or trials, as well as in the face of positive events, experiencing and cultivating gratitude makes us radiate positive frequencies and establishes a relationship of gratitude for life in general, and the higher aspects of our reality in particular.

These are not psychic subjects and psychological states, but personal spiritual skills helping us to establish and grow our links with our depths and the heights of our reality, between ourselves and the divine. They are not dependent on external situations, but lead to a modification of our internal states. They must be developed on a daily basis, requiring regularity and training.