According to a hermetic axiom: “Nothing rests, everything moves, everything vibrates”.

Each living being has a unique consciousness, therefore each being carries a unique vibrational signature. The soul diffuses a broad spectrum of vibrations, through which it attracts a corresponding spectrum of experiences through the principle of resonance. Souls with common frequencies tend to cross their life paths and share experiences.

There is therefore an obvious correspondence between the vibration of the soul, encounters and personal experiences. Plans are like movie scripts; each being the hero of his own film also including other major, secondary characters, or simple extras. The stronger the resonance between two scenarios, the more the characters will interact with each other.

Sometimes beings are independent, sharing very little except the most fundamental frequencies. For example, 2 people sharing little will make their life paths insignificant to each other. They might cross paths, but it will be superficial. They might be forced to communicate, but this will result in a lack of interest at best, or misunderstanding or aversion at worst. The importance of the interaction will be determined more by its meaning than by its length. Two people can share the same office for an entire career without making a major impression on each other. And sometimes a sporadic encounter can mark us for life.

Consciousness therefore generates a field that resonates and attracts personal meaningful relationships and experiences. A single criterion evaluating this meaning and the potential for spiritual growth: emotion. It will push us to evolve, to change vibrational plane, to mark the most significant encounters and experiences. When we are in need of experiences (and therefore life lessons) our vibrational spectrum will miss certain frequencies. What is lacking will therefore attract and manifest what it needs to fill it. In other words: we manifest what we need to experience.

These experiences will generate sufficient emotional charge to fuel our evolution and fill the void. Once the experience is accomplished and the life lesson learned; the new balance no longer attracts the same type of relationship or experience because the lack is filled. Failing to learn will leave the void even bigger and call for an even stronger manifestation. Because not evolving through a first experience will lead to a repetition and amplification of the emotion and the harshness of the trials.

Each of us reacts differently on an emotional level and therefore learns differently. Low vibrational rates call for rather harsh experiences. High vibrational rates can learn more easily. This depends on our emotional response: some evolve with fear and pain, others with lightness and compassion. Temperament therefore determines the nature of personal experience. Our temperament corresponds to our attitude towards life, our emotional climate…

Maintaining a high emotional frequency is therefore absolutely essential to avoid serious problems. Depending on one’s emotional response, the same experience can be trying for one and anecdotal for another. One will refuse and suffer, the other will accept and act. The soul therefore manifests experience; The emotional response is left to our free will. This will largely determine our progress on the path of life.

Our vibrational range of the soul is finally an indicator of our positioning within the great cycle of spiritual evolution.