Sensations are fundamental because they allow us to take the pulse of reality. Without sensation, contact with reality is partial, even obstructed. Thought comes only afterwards in order to clarify and give meaning to these sensations. The sensations must be strong...
There are generally three stages to the discovery and integration of a reality including disturbing and negative aspects: – the first stage precedes the revelation, and consists of a beatitude or happiness made of ignorance, a positive emotional state but...
There is darkness and light. The first is in the plural because its manifestations are numerous. The second is singular because it is unitary and unique. As the descent into matter progresses, there are fragmentations and dualities. So the darkness is inferior, both...
According to Carl Jung: Our dark side is everything we don’t want to be. The collective shadow is what people don’t want to face. When we reject our shadow, murderers and villains suddenly appear and lead us to a hellish life. In this logic, they would only be the...
“Is our world a prison or a school? For it weakens the weak, but strengthens the strong.” Tom MONTALK “Blessed is he who visits this world at its darkest moment”: Fedor TYUTCHEV Our way of (sur)viving trauma is determined by: our capacity for resilience our strength...