Living our pain to become more ourselves

Living our pain to become more ourselves

True spiritual strength and true humanity are revealed above all in adversity, in dignity despite pain. People who have suffered but still retain marks of humanity and impulses of love represent the true strength of being and the maintenance of one’s course of...
Shock as awareness of our true identity

Shock as awareness of our true identity

The word persona (from the verb personare, per-sonare: to speak through) designated in Latin the mask worn by theater actors. Here we are complicit in our own confinement through the mask of our personality. Going beyond our surface preventing us from touching our...
Four reasons for conflicts

Four reasons for conflicts

Conflicts are inevitable. The question is: are they lived consciously or not? It is difficult to change a conflict because it has an external element beyond our reach. On the other hand, it is possible to change our relationship to conflict. Suffering them head-on is...
The shock of interiority

The shock of interiority

“the real esoteric work begins only after the neophyte has gone through a general bankruptcy” Boris Mouravieff As long as the external being remains in the life of the world, he does not need to carry out an introspection which leads him to face his...
Our shadow work face to crisis

Our shadow work face to crisis

According to Carl Jung: “the shadow describes the part of the psyche that the individual prefers to ignore. It contains the denied part of the Self. Everyone carries their dark side within them. The less it is incarnated within conscious life, the more black and dense...
Deconstruct the drama to find the essence

Deconstruct the drama to find the essence

A drama is a tragic event. It evokes opposition, therefore a binary perspective, an opposing element, a conflict, a clash between two realities. But the drama can become unnecessary, leading consciousness towards territories that vibrate very low. It is in the...