‘”Power is the lowest degree of might”

Gilles Deleuze

Power is the ruler and the judge. Might is the being who knows how to reach his or her full potential.

Power is control and tyranny, it is maintained by the force of the law and the sword. Might is mastery and wisdom, it is maintained by the force of will and intention.

Power is the ego, appearing and having. Might is being.

Those seeking power always want more, it’s quantitative. Those looking for might want to find the right measure, it’s qualitative.

Power requires war to assert itself. Might stimulates pacifist virtue.

A master who rules by power uses his magnetism, causing fear and dissuasion, destroying freedoms. A master governing through might uses his charisma, promoting adherence and freedom.

Power leads to disharmony, imbalance, confinement and predation. Might generates harmony, balance, freedom and abundance.

Power is separation and involution. Might is unity and evolution.

Power is established through fear, it is a path of weakness because it cannot be otherwise. Might is established through radiation, it is a demanding but authentic path.

Power crystallizes and blocks any system, because it leads to exploitation and domination. Existing for its own benefit, its entire environment, whatever it may be, is energetically absorbed for its exclusive enjoyment.

Might implies permanent evolution, a process without final form because all potentiality is constantly developed, rejecting all definition and labeling.