The visible world of nature is the only clue available to man to understand the invisible world. Behind and through this living visible world lies the other world of invisible reality.
Visible things are the only lenses through which aspects and characteristics of deeper realities can be brought to the human mind. The philosophical vision according to which external things “below” are in the image of things which are “above” is the only postulate on which man can base himself in order to rise towards an apprehension of so-called spiritual realities.
When these invisible realities are glimpsed, they do not appear so foreign or exotic, but possess certain familiarities with things known in the world below. Known things and phenomena hold the mirror of access to higher and universal truths, because they are themselves the truths embodied in the concrete. Material reality, daily and banal, carries within itself the eternal portrait of higher living truths.
The supreme challenge for man is to be able to access it, to understand it. For the purpose of incarnation is to be able to understand this celestial language of universal truth in the living external forms of nature. Because this form is truth in the concrete, projection in matter. The living beings of nature, whether humans, animals, plants or minerals, are to varying degrees the forms through which the life force manifests itself. And this manifestation at each of its mineral, plant, animal or human levels, is typical of the universal creative principles.
The analogy of nature symbolism becomes a language of apprehension and understanding of the deepest cosmic truths. In the heart of nature lies hidden the total reality. This natural language is the only universally understandable language, indeed the only language capable of being understood at every level of intellectual capacity and cognitive development. It is the language of the dreamer, the poet, the child, the naturalist, the wise…
Everyone can grasp these higher truths at any age and at any phase of life.

Nature teaches precisely and deeply for those who have the right outlook. It teaches simple truths for the simple, sophisticated ones for the intelligent. From a simple leaf to a complex ecosystem, his teaching remains relevant, always reflecting the truths from above. This eternal and superior truth is imprinted and organized perfectly in the heart of nature.