– Third density (3D): human beings possessing self-awareness and free will, therefore the possibility of developing their individuality and making choices between giving or exploiting, disobeying biological & divine laws and distinguishing themselves from celestial harmony (or not). This possibility of conscious evolution reinforces the polarities, leading to the threshold of the limitations and illusions of 3D and giving the possibility of transcending it. Here we have arrived at the frontier of the visible and tangible world.

– Fourth density (4D): Here appear beings who have partially transcended the limitations of space-time, they are therefore partially visible and invisible. For them, the physical world is flexible, dominated by thought. This density is spiritually the outcome of the choices of positive (giving) or negative (exploiting) consciousnesses made in 3D, to fulfill the logic of the spirit dominating matter, whether through love or exploitation.

Human beings live in the 3D. Being conscious of oneself and therefore individualized, the being interacts with his equally individualized peers. True free will consists of choosing between Service-to-self and Service-to-others. This is the real challenge of human incarnation, leading to a great bifurcation of souls on the threshold of 4D.

The service-to-self of the negative 4D seeks to bias our choice.

The service-to-others of the Positive 4D respects free will and does not seek to influence choice.

On the one hand, there is intrusion: through our passivity and consent, we can be attracted to the negative 4D. On the other hand, there is respect for free will: through our will and our choices, we can voluntarily move towards the positive 4D.

Each party develops its own strategy to influence choices, always within the limits of the universal framework. This latent and asymmetrical war is mainly played out in 3D from 4D. Of course, the great metaphysical theater stage of the universe includes all densities, which are constantly interacting with each other. But for the moment, let’s focus on these two densities which are 3D and 4D, which provide enough work and knowledge in view of the situation of humanity currently.

Once the transition from 3D to 4D is accomplished, that from 4D to 5D will be a continuation. Indeed, if a 3D being lets himself be deceived by the shadow and slides towards negative 4D, despite himself and despite his good intentions, it will be impossible for him to move from negative 4D to positive 5D. If he is still incarnated in 3D, he may always have the possibility of readjusting his consciousness and reorienting himself towards positive 4D in order to continue this trajectory towards the following higher densities.

When the positive 4D and negative 4D forces, also called 4D Service-to-Others and 4D Service-to-Others, become involved in our lives and our individual and planetary destinies, the question would be: should human beings be considered as livestock and resources to be exploited, or as beings whose spiritual light must be encouraged and developed? If they enter directly into opposition or conflict in 3D, it will not be through symmetrical conflicts, but through us. Human history, each of our lives, can be seen as the reflection or the terrain of interactions and conflicts between these two forces of the 4D.

The rewards of 4D Service-to-Others forces are learning, growth in consciousness, harmony with the cosmos, and the satisfaction of seeing children progress. The rewards for 4D Service-to-Self forces are new recruits or slaves, food, resources, and energy.

Positive 4D forces stay further behind the 3D earth game because they respect free will and choose to be less intrusive: they help anonymously so as not to cause addiction and ensure 3D individuals retain all their freedom and free will.

This positive 4D VERSUS negative 4D logic is a dualistic approach, but for good reasons: free will is our ability to choose, and choices require at least two valid options, two metaphysically different and physically real options.

The two most fundamental, profound and eternal options are:

– observe, honor, help our inner divine spark through Service to others

– stifle, ignore, exploit the divine spark of the world through Service to Self

To believe in and respect free will is to admit the potential existence of this duality and to guess its expressions within 3D. From there, the two paths leading to positive 4D or negative 4D become clear.