Individuality is different from individualism; it is the external expression of our deep truth, the expressiveness of the soul: unique and universal at the same time.

How to approach it? By a work of clearing, of undressing the being; or at least of its external images/identifications considered as oneself, but imposed in spite of oneself. Having reached a certain depth of being, we are no longer our job, our gender… we are a being using our job, gender as a vehicle of expression.

Externally: no difference. Internally a major upheaval! In fact, our being undergoes a change of nature and not of degree; we are still ourselves, but from the plane of the soul. Our character and way of expressing ourselves remain true to ourselves, but they come from another plane of being.

Someone who is loving will continue to love but no longer from the ego but through the inclusiveness of the soul. Someone who is angry will always be angry, no longer because of their personality but because of the impersonality of the soul.

Here are some paradoxes of this process of individuality:

– We must give up what we are, to become what we truly are.

An individual approach takes us away from the group to bring us closer to it.

– We reach our peak when we are detached from ourselves: we are more ourselves when we are less ourselves.

– The soul is at once intimate, private and universal.

Our impersonal being acts from its center, and not from external stimuli.

– We are all the more universal when we are connected to our depths.

– We must die to ourselves in order to be reborn closer to our truth: to cease being in order to be.

– Our little self is both our greatest prison, but also our greatest possibility of liberation.

The obstacle is the task, the path of evolution. Our deep nature is more what unites us than what separates us, it is the lowest common denominator of humanity. What we were before our birth, and what we will be after our death represents our deepest nature; our eternal part. And not the product of a culture or any temporality.

Expressing our eternal part in time means being able to bring out our deep nature.