Sensations are fundamental because they allow us to take the pulse of reality. Without sensation, contact with reality is partial, even obstructed. Thought comes only afterwards in order to clarify and give meaning to these sensations. The sensations must be strong enough to be able to merge with reality, to the point of being unstructured and modified. Embracing reality means experiencing it with all your guts, allowing yourself to be initiated and transformed.
Being able to feel and experience sensations, especially the negative, enriches wisdom. Suffering in particular brings much wisdom. Once the wisdom of these sufferings is acquired, it becomes an integral part of us because they have totally transformed us. The need for further suffering diminishes because life has already successfully taught us. Wanting to avoid suffering only makes you more likely to experience it. Because life will conspire to destroy our dreams and impose its sufferings on us, which are its greatest ways of achieving wisdom and being initiated.
Life does it out of love for us, to allow us to evolve internally. It looks like misfortunes and bad luck, but it is actually a gift of life to wake us up, awaken us to ourselves and transform us. This whole process is carried out by feeling. If suffering brings vast wisdom, there is no longer any need for suffering, because the inner transformation has already taken place. The more despair and suffering affects and transforms us, the more real joy and ecstasy it will be possible to feel. The more suffering and destruction are welcomed into our lives, the more freedom and harmony can also appear.
To fully experience sensations is to welcome the intensity and mysteries of life. It’s being able to contact reality and let ourselves be transformed.