“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we had when we created them”

Albert Einstein

Our world is out of order and in the process of degrading. But can we save the planet with ecology and political slogans? Could new taxes and insect meat be the final magic solution? Does fleeing the planet to live on the moon or mars, or establishing constraints and laws, make sense of the global situation?

The basis of our existence is consciousness, because it determines our relationship to reality and to ourselves. Changing consciousness means changing our existence and our relationship with others and with ourselves. That’s the difficulty, but it’s also the key.

The consciousness on which we must work individually to liberate and evolve the collective is our thinking. Thought structures consciousness. This current thinking is linear, logical and material. It‘s the one who put us in this situation. It was able to benefit humanity immensely, leading to unique technological and civilizational leaps. But finishing its cycle of development, it must be transcended and become the basis on which the New Cycle can be built.

The change in consciousness is the vertical & qualitative leap between materiality and spirituality. It’s time to embrace holistic thinking, chaos, our deep, wonderful, awful reality. It’s time to ignite our solar potential. We might find solutions that seemed unthinkable before but suddenly become obvious. A magical language and intuitive actions allow us to find harmony with the cosmos.

It is time to delve into ourselves, to break our chains, to honor the memory of our ancestors, to listen to our inner voice, to destroy Chronos and Saturn, to embrace myths and symbols to better individualize them. Moving from complicated thinking (limited to the lower mental plane) to complex thinking (higher mental plane), moving from the so-called inclusive relationship (erasing the dualities that are sources of contrasts and discernments) to the holistic relationship (taking into account the different levels of being and reality), moving from literal reading (first level) to symbolic, analogical, allegorical readings (deeper), moving from the illusion of separation to the sensation of unity, etc… (non-exhaustive list)

The definition of an idiot in ancient Greece was: “one who believes himself to be separate from others and from the Whole”.

All this must be learned, developed, cultivated, initially requiring effort. But it is at the edge of the abyss that we need to change our paradigm. Make the leap of consciousness or disappear.