Perceiving the invisible in the visible

Perceiving the invisible in the visible

The visible world of nature is the only clue available to man to understand the invisible world. Behind and through this living visible world lies the other world of invisible reality. Visible things are the only lenses through which aspects and characteristics of...
Simple mystic of the mountain

Simple mystic of the mountain

Nature teaches us, it draws the landscape of our psyche, it reveals the mystery of what is hidden. From its contours and its nuances our unattainable and unsuspected depths unfold before us. Its rough edges are sometimes soft and nuanced, sometimes sharp and...
Simple mystic of the stone

Simple mystic of the stone

The external environment can be a reflection of our internal psychic landscape. Our intimate depths can be reflected in the outside world, provided we have the right perspective. Everything that surrounds us, whatever it may be, can therefore resonate with our...
Simple mystic of the sparrow

Simple mystic of the sparrow

A materialist view perceives nature one-sidedly. He exploits it for his exclusive profit, for example in the form of a beautiful landscape to admire or a dish to taste. But there is no teaching or real connection because the observer is detached from the observed....
Solar deities or the human inner spark

Solar deities or the human inner spark

It is possible to state that myths of sun gods are the origin of many cults, traditions and religions. This is not a statement regarding mere folklore, or archaeological findings. But rather a primordial tradition with a global scope serving as a basis for human...