Since its birth, humanity actually faces 2 adversaries: one internal and one external. The internal corresponds to our weaknesses and our imperfections making us human beings. And the external is this external force exploiting our human weaknesses.

The Wetiko Virus: Jack Forbes is a Native American who has studied this subject for a long time, he concludes that humanity suffers from a specific disease: “for thousands of years, human beings have suffered from a scourge, a disease worse than malaria, more terrible than smallpox…Whatever name we give it, this Wetiko (cannibalistic) psychosis is the greatest epidemic known to man”. Wetiko designates an evil person, a spirit who terrorizes with terrible acts. This epidemic has spread throughout the world over the past few millennia.

It began with the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Assyrians throughout the Middle East, then the Macedonians, and the Greeks transmitted it to the Roman Empire, which then allowed the complete infection of humanity. This psychosis according to him is a particular attitude which began to appear when certain civilizations and hierarchical cultures developed. In order to maintain power and control, to ensure its expansion; this attitude was deliberately cultivated, encouraged and developed as the dominant perspective. It was crucial that this psychic attitude spread so that power structures could guarantee their hegemonies. Failure to adhere to it resulted in prosecution and punishment.

Forbes’ opinion is that this Wetiko virus has so corrupted the West that it has become the norm in the pursuit of progress. The elite promotes it in order to condition the masses to reproduce its perverse functioning, or at least at least not to rebel against its logic. The functioning of modern society has been shaped according to this virus, manipulating the collective through propaganda and coercion. Rigid structures and societal hierarchies would only be manifestations of this endemic virus, seeking to strengthen its power over minds. Because like any pathogen, the Wetiko seeks to infect and feed on more and more people, reinforcing the corruption of the human psyche.

According to Paul LEVY, author of the book “Dispelling Wetiko: breaking the curse of evil”, this psychic parasite reveals to us our forgetting of the crucial role of the psyche in the creation of our experience. He quotes C. G. Jung “this totalitarian psychosis forces us to pay attention to our psyche and our abysmal unconsciousness about it. Never before has humanity experienced the psychological factor on such a vast scale.” Demanding that we pay attention to our own psyche, Wetiko is the greatest catalyst for human evolution our species has ever encountered. Because it can literally destroy our planet by instigating poverty, endless wars and catastrophic environmental destruction.

If this evil is confronted, named, understood; it can awaken us to the illusory nature of our reality, which can change our consciousness. Wetiko is like a living revealer, a nugget on our path of evolution. If we recognize that it is only a reflection of ourselves, a parasite destroying our natural aspirations for love and sharing, then we can neutralize it.

It is as if through this virus, a higher intelligence made us aware of our dark side, in order to embrace the totality of our reality and our being. Our darkness also reveals our own light, by contrast. If we recognize that the evil of the external world is only a reflection of our own inner shadow, then we expand our consciousness and our light. And little by little we recognize this correlation between the external world and what is happening in the depths of our soul. And this virus will no longer be able to hide behind the scenes of life for much longer.