Definition of evolution: progressive transition from one state to another, transformation over time. Definition of involution: regression, coiled inwards. Evolution and involution are linked and balanced, like descent and ascent. One cannot exist without the other....
The concept of synchronocities introduced by Jung in the 1920s means a simultaneous occurrence of at least 2 events having no causal link between them. In recent years, this idea of seemingly unrelated events creating a certain meaning has generated new emergences, a...
“The sacrifice of animals on pagan altars, as with sacrificial ceremonies which sometimes involved human beings, was the result of their ignorance of the fundamental principle underlying sacrifice. They did not realize that their offerings must come from their own...
The plan of Spirit is the unmanifest absolute principle. The plane of matter is the temporal manifestation of the principle. The point of contact between these 2 planes is the horizon. All the struggles and wars of mythological stories and sacred writings can be...
All spiritual traditions mention an evolution of human consciousness leading towards ONE humanity. For everything comes from the ONE divine unity and everything will return to it. Any descent into matter implies dualities and fragmentations, any ascent towards Spirit...
Eternity is expressed in time through cycles. All these cycles give meaning to the creation. They are a framework, a structure of time, archetypal and extremely organized, on which human beings rely unconsciously. Each cycle is emblematic of the others, containing...