The sacred masculine principle is, according to certain traditions and metaphysics, our expressive creative principle governing our lives without participating in them, our fixed interior center around which its manifestation is externalized.

Everything only exists in principle. Everything is contained in the center in archetypes. Our center is the source of our radiant masculine principle in the world. But we can only fully radiate and rise by having reached our center: moving from our periphery to our center, from the exterior to our interior is therefore the path of consciousness. The manifestation comes from the being itself, from its inner masculine.

It is the center of the wheel (immobile and fixed) around which movement manifests itself. It is the center of being (unmanifest and unchangeable) around which life manifests. The wheel is movement, diversity and continual change; the center is unique, fixed and immutable. The circumference cannot exist without its center; while the center is absolutely independent of the circumference, and contains all possible circumferences by the greater or lesser extension of its rays.

Does the force of the movement come entirely from its center, or from other centers? Because the strength of our will is revealed by the way in which it will manifest our inner masculine in matter. Is our personality an authentic expression of our inner strength, or does it simply reflect environmental influences? In the second case, my sacred masculine remains inactive. Or more precisely, it is the masculine principle of other people that determines my personality.

The person centered in his inner masculine escapes to a certain level from the vicissitudes of the environment, because it is the being (more than external influences) which determines the conditions of his manifestation.

Any manifestation is then a possibility of our own nature. The manifested allows us to reveal the deep being, which is externalized in individuality. The masculine principle is content to radiate its own will; the creative process is based more on the sacred feminine principle which must reflect this vibrational energy and manifest it on all levels, giving it form.

The development of our sacred masculine is therefore above all a process of interiority and then of will. It helps us to exteriorize our essence, to be more at the service of our deep being (and therefore our soul), and to better manifest our life mission.

Sources: The Kybalion and René Guénon “the great triad”.