Both our material part and our spiritual part seek unity, but in a different way.

– The first seeks horizontal unity in matter.

– The second will aspire to vertical unity with the spiritual dimension.

Because all our lives we all carry a feeling of separation which comes from:

– a spiritual reason: separation from the divine source

– a material reason: the separation of the newborn from his mother.

Two sources of separation, the same inner wound, source of unhappiness and anxiety. Erich Fromm in his work “The Art of Love” specifies: “the experience of separation arouses anxiety, the source of all anxieties. To be separated means to be cut off. Man’s greatest need is the need to overcome this separation, to leave the prison of his solitude”. This feeling of separation can lead to wanting to compensate for one’s entire life in order to find unity:

– through matter – horizontal desire: the human being will unconsciously develop artificial solutions in order to heal his inner wound due to separation and his quest for unity: search for pleasure, consumption of addictive products. But also through creation (the creator unites with its work during the time of creation) and the feeling of belonging with a group. All these attempts at union and overcoming separation are partial, subject to external and temporal conditions.

– through spirituality – vertical aspiration: The only true union can be accomplished through a spiritual approach leading to unconditional love and inner union, surpassing personal will, personality and passions. Being becomes impersonal, all forms of separation disappear. He finds a feeling of unity through his connection with a higher creative plane.