From matriarchy to patriarchy

From matriarchy to patriarchy

Matriarchy was practiced throughout the planet, until a proto-historical period around 5000 BC. Patriarchy did not exist at that time. This original matriarchy is usually represented by figures of mother goddesses and statues of fertile women. But it seems that this...
Couple and self-knowledge

Couple and self-knowledge

What is love ? What is the couple for? Between the biological necessity of reproduction and the romances of films and songs, where is the conscious dimension ? We don’t choose our family, friendships don’t seek us out from such depths of our psyche. The...
Love, soul and projection

Love, soul and projection

This is a partial summary of John SANFORD’s book: The invisible partners, how the male and female in each of us affect our relationships Men think they are men and women think they are women, but each being is androgynous because each man carries within him a...